Embracing Faith, Building Community
Exalting the Savior, Equipping the Saints, Evangelizing the Sinner
Weekly Schedule
- Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.
- Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m.
Morning Star Christian Church in Birmingham, AL
Morning Star Christian Church stands as a beacon of faith, dedicated to lifting up Jesus, nurturing believers, and spreading the message of salvation. With a diverse array of ministries and ways to engage with our community, we open doors for personal growth, meaningful connections, and impactful service. We warmly welcome you to participate in our worship gatherings and find your unique place within our loving Christian community in Birmingham, AL.
Tithes and Offerings
We encourage you to maintain your commitment to giving back through stewardship. Feel free to drop off or mail your tithes and offerings to Morning Star Christian Church at 1600 Slayden Avenue, Birmingham, AL 35224. To streamline the process, we also provide mobile payment solutions via PayPal and Cash App. You can contribute by sending funds to this email or using our Cash App, Venmo, Paypal or Givelify.
Find out more about our Christian community.